Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Farm Inc....

The movie was about the farmers who grow there crops, and how unhealthy they have growing there food. the issue is that, they did not think about the poeple and how they should eat, there only plan was to grow things faster better and cheaper. Another issue that is raised is that, we dont know what is in our food, and i think we aloud to know so that we can eat healthier. They use all kinds of things seal them and they dont tell us, and thats a big issue.......

This relates to us becouse we are trying to grow healthy things, and i do believe that a community can make a big difference becaouse they are doing something different and effective so that what we are doing. and just by doing that we help ourselves and others as well. And also i think we should seal our seads to people who need it, and for others to grow things as well for there schools or there friends and there families, and that would be a great difference and effective.....

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